07) River Rising

07 Angela Josephine - River Rising
Posted by Angela Josephine Category: Stories-and-Lyrics

My Story

‘River Rising’ explores the risks that come on the journey to empowerment. This song tells a story inspired by Rahab, a prostitute from Jericho who hid the Hebrew spies under bundles of flax on her roof. In taking this great risk, the woman saved her family and unwittingly – though only a lowly prostitute – secured her place in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Though the fact is disputed, it is empowering to believe that a seemingly insignificant woman in history and mythology became the progenitor to God incarnate.  I wrote this song while driving across Utah on our way to hike the Narrows at Zion National Park. The landscape was so striking that I could picture vividly this courageous woman living at its edge.


Folk Rock Opera

The story the song tells is one of strength in the face of fear. It calls the woman in this narrative to action. She must rise to meet the call.



River Rising

by angela josephine


she ain’t got nowhere to go

as the river’s rising

sound the horn of jericho

as her flax is drying

o sister, glory be!

glory be our mother

o sister, glory be!

the father, son, the lover

bought her way with half the moon

crimson on her shoulder

tie the knot they’re coming soon,

no ransoming this soldier

o sister, glory be!

glory be our mother

o sister, glory be!

the father, son, the lover

bandits come prowling,

gather all your kin

prairie winds come howling


river rushes in

thorns remind me of you


Enter the experience…

This life you have lived and are living has value and can be no one else’s. What call are you being asked to rise to? Make a new list… or drawing… or creative collage of these things.