05) 40 Days (INTERLUDE)

05 Angela Josephine - 40 Days (Interlude)
Posted by Angela Josephine Category: Stories-and-Lyrics

My Story

‘40 Days’ is song of reflection and explores the theme of exile. The title of this song is a nod to my friend Steve Cannon. I met Steve while he was running 40 marathons in 40 days around Lake Michigan in 2009. His was a type of chosen exile, and the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of this experience led him to write a book called, “40 Days.”  He dedicated a chapter to the day we spent running together and with the keen insight gained only through engagement with the exile, he challenged me to heed that inner voice: the call to go forward into new experience.

Folk Rock Opera

Exploring the theme of exile, it marks a stronger turning point in the narrative. At this point in the story, the woman reflects upon the opposing forces of her drive and determination and her tendency to be also held back by her past. Ultimately, the woman comes to decide that she must push on, understanding that she must hold her past with her, but never be held by it in a way that colors or distort what’s to come.


Enter the experience…

Burn this list! Find a safe place that makes sense to you. Over a bonfire. In a (fireproof) bowl while sitting on your porch. Trust in the process. Make space for a holy moment and be intentional. (Keep the ashes)