Ebenezer Stones (and Fudge)

1st song written on Mackinac Island Fudge Box - Angela Josephine
Posted by Angela Josephine Category: Music

I’m sifting through mementos again today and found an Ebenezer Stone. Do you have one? A physical something that says, “Here is where my life shifted. This is an especially sacred X marking the spot.”? I think we all must have them to varying degrees. This is a photo of my Ebenezer and it is on the back of a Joann’s Fudge of Mackinac Island box. (That should tell you a lot about me already). I was driving down a back road somewhere in Michigan and suddenly the song was all right there; lyrics, melody, even orchestration. I grabbed the only thing available to write on (remember this was pre smart phone) and began scratching down the words. At the time, it was also pre music skills for me (aside from trumpet). Little did I know that many moons later I’d be a singer/songwriter/musician and that I’d be working on a hammered dulcimer arrangement for this very song. Fitting to find the original nestled up against these Rich Mullins ticket stubs.